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  R600aR600ais a HFC and CFC free refrigerant, providing the most environmentally friendlyrefrigerant available. It is extremely    energy efficient, andhas high cooling ability, low electricity waste.Properties: IndexUnitR600aChemical formula C4H10Molecular weightg/mol58.12Critical temperature℃134.98Critical pressureKPa3660Saturated liquid density (25℃)Kg/m3551Specific heat (25℃liquid)KJ/kg·k2.38Critical densityg/cm30.221Vaporization heat at boiling pointKJ/kg366.5ODP 0GWP 0.1 QualitySpecification: IndexGrade ⅠAppearanceColorless & not turbidodorNo strange stenchPurity % ≥99.5Moisture ppm % ≤0.001Acidity (as HCl) ppm % ≤0.0001Evaporation residue ppm % ≤0.01 Packing:20kg/40L, 460kg/926L, returnable steel cylinders.  性状用途:R600a(高纯度异丁烷)是一种性能优异的制冷剂,其特点是冷却能力强,耗电量低,负载温度回升速度慢。  物理性质 :  单位R600a分子式 C4H10分子量g/mol58.12沸点 101.3kpa (℃)℃-11.80临界温度℃134.98临界压力KPa3660饱和液体密度 (25℃)Kg/m3551比热 (25℃液体)KJ/Kg· K2.38临界密度g/cm30.221沸点时蒸发潜热KJ/kg366.5ODP 0GWP 0.1 质量指标 : 指标名称优等品外观无色、不浑浊气味无异臭纯度 ( % ≥)99.5水份( % ≤)0.001酸度 ( 以HCl计 ) ,( % ≤)0.00001蒸发残留物 ( % ≤)0.01   


  R507R507is a colorless gas under ordinary temperature, and a colorless &transparent liquid under the pressure of itself,       mixed by R143 and R125. It is the substitute for R502,mainly used in the low temperature refrigerating systems.Properties:  UnitR507Chemical formula R-143/R-125Molecular weightg/mol98.86Melting point℃-46.7Critical temperature℃70.9Critical pressureMPa3.79Saturated liquid density (30℃)g/cm31.06Critical densityg/cm30.5ODP 0GWP 0.96 QualitySpecification: IndexExcellent GradeAppearanceColorless , not turbidodorNo strange stenchPurity % ≥99.8Moisture % ≤0.001Acidity (as HCl) % ≤0.00001Evaporation residue % ≤0.01Chlorides(Cl-) test % ≤0.0003No condensable gas (V/V) % ≤1.5 Packing:11.3kg/30p steel cylinders or ISO TANK.Itmust be kept in cool, dry and well-ventilated places, away from sunshine andrainfall.  性状用途:R507混合制冷剂是由R143和R125混合而成,在常温下为无色气体,在自身压力下为无色透明液体,是R502的替代品,主要用于低温制冷系统。  物理性质 :   单位 R507 分子式  R-143/R-125 分子量 g/mol 98.86 沸点 ℃ -46.7 临界温度 ℃ 70.9 临界压力 MPa 3.79 饱和液体密度 (30℃) g/cm3 1.06 临界密度 g/cm3 0.5 ODP  0 GWP  0.96 质量指标 :  指标名称 优等品 外观 无色、澄清 气味 无异臭 纯度 ( % ≥) 99.8 水份( % ≤) 0.001 酸度 ( 以HCl计 ) ,( % ≤) 0.00001 蒸发残留物 ( % ≤) 0.01 氯化物(Cl-) ( % ≤) 0.0003 不凝性气体的体积分数 ( % ≤) 1.5  


  R407CR407Cis a colorless gas under ordinary temperature, and a colorless &transparent liquid under the pressure ofitself,        mixed by R32, R134aand R125.R407Cis the long-term substitute for R22, mainly used in the air conditioner and othernon-centrifugal refrigerating systemsProperties:  UnitR407CChemical formula R-32/R-134a/R-125Molecular weightg/mol86.2Melting point℃-43.4Critical temperature℃86.2Critical pressureMPa4.62Saturated liquid density (30℃)g/cm31.139Critical densityg/cm30.527ODP 0GWP 1600 QualitySpecification: IndexExcellent GradeAppearanceColorless , not turbidodorNo strange stenchPurity % ≥99.8Moisture % ≤0.001Acidity (as HCl) % ≤0.00001Evaporation residue % ≤0.01Chlorides(Cl-) test % ≤0.0003No condensable gas (V/V) % ≤1.5 Packing:10.9kg/30p, 950kg/1000L, 870kg/926L steel cylinders or ISO TANK.Itmust be kept in cool, dry and well-ventilated places, away from sunshine andrainfall.  性状用途:R407C由R32,R134a和R125混合而成,在常温下为无色气体,在自身压力下为无色透明液体,是R22的长期替代品,主要用于空调、非离心式制冷系统。  物理性质 :   单位 R407C 分子式  R-32/R-134a/R-125 分子量 g/mol 86.2 沸点 ℃ -43.4 临界温度 ℃ 86.2 临界压力 MPa 4.62 饱和液体密度 (30℃) g/cm3 1.139 临界密度 g/cm3 0.527 ODP  0 GWP  0.36 质量指标 :  指标名称 优等品 外观 无色、澄清 气味 无异臭 纯度 ( % ≥) 99.8 水份( % ≤) 0.001 酸度 ( 以HCl计 ) ,( % ≤) 0.00001 蒸发残留物 ( % ≤) 0.01 氯化物(Cl-) ( % ≤) 0.0003 不凝性气体的体积分数 ( % ≤) 1.5  


  R410AR410ais a clorless gas under ordinary temperature, and a colorlss & TransparentLiquid under the pressure of itslf, mixed by HFC-32 and HFC-125. And it is thesubstitute for R22, mainly used in the air conditioners and other refrigeratigsystems.Properties: IndexUnitR410AChemical formula R-32/R-125Molecular weightg/mol72.58Boiling point℃-51.53Critical temperature℃72.13Critical pressureMPa4.93Saturated liquid density (25℃)g/cm31.062Liquid specific heat (25℃)KJ/(Kg ·℃)1.84Equip pressure specific heat (Cp) (25℃) 101.3kPaKJ/(Kg ·℃)0.832Critical densityg/cm30.489Vaporization heat at boiling pointKJ/Kg276.2ODP 0GWP 0.42 QualitySpecification: IndexExcellent GradeAppearanceColorless , not turbidOdorNo strange stenchPurity % ≥99.8Moisture % ≤0.001Acidity (as HCl) % ≤0.00001Evaporation residue % ≤0.01Chlorides(Cl-) test % ≤0.0003No condensable gas (V/V) % ≤1.5 Packing:11.3kg/30P unrefillable steel cylinders;760kg/800L,870kg/926L returnablesteelcylinders,or ISO TANK. The filling index is less than0.95kg/L. It must be kept in cool,dry and well-ventilated places, away      fromsunshine and rainfall.  性状用途:R410A混合制冷剂是由R32和R125混合而成,在常温下为无色气体,在自身压力下为无色透明液体,是R22的替代品,主要用于空调和制冷系统。  物理性质 :   单位 R410A 分子式  R-32/ R-125 分子量 g/mol 72.58 沸点 ℃ -51.53 临界温度 ℃ 72.13 临界压力 MPa 4.93 饱和液体密度 (25℃) g/cm3 1.062 液体比热 (25℃) KJ/(Kg·℃) 1.84 等压蒸气比热 (25℃) KJ/(Kg·℃) 0.832 临界密度 g/cm3 0.489 沸点时蒸发潜热 KJ/kg 276.2 ODP  0 GWP  0.42 质量指标 :  指标名称 优等品 外观 无色、澄清 气味 无异臭 纯度 ( % ≥) 99.8 水份( % ≤) 0.001 酸度 ( 以HCl计 ) ,( % ≤) 0.00001 蒸发残留物 ( % ≤) 0.01 氯化物(Cl-) ( % ≤) 0.0003 不凝性气体的体积分数 ( % ≤) 1.5   


  R404AR404Ais a colorless gas under ordinary temperature, and a colorless &transparent liquid under the pressure of itself,     mixedby R125, R134a and R143. It is a long-term substitute for R502, mainly used inthe refrigerating systems of low & moderate temperature.Properties:  UnitR404AChemical formula R-134a/R-125/R-32Molecular weightg/mol Melting point℃-46.1Critical temperature℃72.4Critical pressureMPa3.69Saturated liquid density (25℃)g/cm31.045ODP 0GWP 0.35 QualitySpecification: IndexExcellent GradeAppearanceColorless , not turbidodorNo strange stenchPurity % ≥99.8Moisture % ≤0.001Acidity (as HCl) % ≤0.00001Evaporation residue % ≤0.01Chlorides(Cl-) test % ≤0.0003No condensable gas (V/V) % ≤1.5 Packing:10.9kg/30p steel cylinders or ISO TANK.Itmust be kept in cool, dry and well-ventilated places, away from sunshine andrainfall.  性状用途:R404A由R125,R134a和R143混合而成,在常温下为无色气体,在自身压力下为无色透明液体,是R502的长期替代品,主要用于低、中温制冷系统。 物理性质 :   单位 R404A 分子式  R-134a/R-125/R-32 分子量 g/mol  沸点 ℃ -46.1 临界温度 ℃ 72.4 临界压力 MPa 3.69 饱和液体密度 (25℃) g/cm3 1.045 ODP  0 GWP  0.35(HGWP) 质量指标 :  指标名称 优等品 外观 无色、澄清 气味 无异臭 纯度 ( % ≥) 99.8 水份( % ≤) 0.001 酸度 ( 以HCl计 ) ,( % ≤) 0.0001 蒸发残留物 ( % ≤) 0.01 氯化物(Cl-) ( % ≤) 0.0003 不凝性气体的体积分数 ( % ≤) 1.5   


  R152aR152ais a colorless gas under ordinary temperature, and a colorless &transparent liquid under the pressure of itself, easily solube in oil but poorlyin water. It is mainly used as the  important raw material forrefrigerants, aerosol propellants and synthesis of R142b. As the substitutiverefrigerant for CFC-12, it will be a long-term one and have absolutelyno bad effects against ozonosphere.Properties: IndexUnit R152aChemical formula CH3CHF2Molecular weightg/mol66.1Melting point℃-24.23Liquid density (25℃)g/cm30.90Vapor pressure (25℃)MPa0.596Critical temperature℃113.5Critical pressureMPa4.52Critical densityg/cm30.368Vaporization heat at boiling pointKJ/kg324.2Water’s solubility (25℃)W%0.3ODP 0GWP 0.3 QualitySpecification: IndexExcellent GradeAppearanceColorless , not turbidOdorNo strange stenchPurity % ≥99.8Moisture % ≤0.001Acidity (as HCl) % ≤0.0001Evaporation residue % ≤0.01No condensable gas (V/V) % ≤1.5 Packing:320KG/400L&640KG/800Lsteel cylinders (≥2.0MPa), ISO TANK.PS:UN NO.1030, HS Code 29034599.00, CAS 75-37-6, IMDG Page 2132, Class 2.1.  性状用途:1,1-二氟乙烷在常温下为气体,在自身压力下为无色透明液体,易溶于油,难溶于水。高纯级R152a用作感温工质,优级R152a可用作制冷剂和气雾剂,也是合成R142b的重要原料。该产品可替代CFC-12作制冷剂,是对臭氧层完全无破坏的长久性替代品。 物理性质 :  单位R152a分子式 CH3-CHF2分子量g/mol66.1沸点℃-24.23液体密度(25℃)克/厘米30.90蒸气压 (25℃)MPa0.596临界温度℃113.5临界压力MPa4.52临界密度g/cm30.368沸点时蒸发潜热KJ/kg324.2在水中溶解度 (25℃)%(m/m)0.3ODP 0GWP 0.03 质量指标 : 指标名称优等品外观无色、不浑浊气味无异臭纯度 ( % ≥)99.95水份( % ≤)0.001酸度 ( 以HCl计 ) ,( % ≤)0.0001蒸发残留物 ( % ≤)0.01氯化物(Cl-) ( % ≤)0.0003不凝性气体的体积分数 ( % ≤)1.5  R406AR406Ais a colorless gas under ordinary temperature, and a colorless &transparent liquid under the pressure of itself,     mixed by R22, R142b and R600a. And it is the substitute for R502 and R12.Properties:  UnitR406AChemical formula R-22/R-142b/R-600aMolecular weightg/mol89.86Melting point℃-32.7Critical temperature℃116.5Critical pressureMPa4.88Saturated liquid density (25℃)g/cm3 Critical densityg/cm3-0.456ODP 0.036GWP 0.33 QualitySpecification: IndexExcellent GradeAppearanceColorless , not turbidodorNo strange stenchPurity % ≥99.8Moisture % ≤0.001Acidity (as HCl) % ≤0.00001Evaporation residue % ≤0.01Chlorides(Cl-) test % ≤0.0003No condensable gas (V/V) % ≤1.5 Packing:10.7kg/30p steel cylinders.Itmust be kept in cool, dry and well-ventilated places, away from sunshine andrainfall.  性状用途:R406A混合制冷剂由R22,R142b和R600a混合而成,在常温下为无色气体,在自身压力下为无色透明液体,是R500,R12的替代品。 物理性质 :   单位 R406A 分子式  R-22/R-142b/R-600a 分子量 g/mol 89.86 沸点 ℃ -32.7 临界温度 ℃ 116.5 临界压力 MPa 4.88 饱和液体密度 (25℃) g/cm3  临界密度 g/cm3 -0.456 ODP  0.036 GWP  0.33(HGWP) 质量指标 :  指标名称 优等品 外观 无色、澄清 气味 无异臭 纯度 ( % ≥) 99.8 水份( % ≤) 0.001 酸度 ( 以HCl计 ) ,( % ≤) 0.00001 蒸发残留物 ( % ≤) 0.01 氯化物(Cl-) ( % ≤) 0.0003 不凝性气体的体积分数 ( % ≤) 1.5  


  R134aR134ais internationally recognized as one of the main refrigerant working substancesto substitute CFC-12. It does not contain chlorine atom, gives no bad effectsagainst ozonosphere and has excellent safety performances, such asnon-toxicity, non-inflammability, non-explosive ability , non-pungency, andnon-corrosive ability. It is a colorless gas under ordinary temperature and acolorless & transparent liquid under the pressure of itself. As thesubstitute for CFC-12, it is often used in the refrigerating systems of autoair conditioners, commercial and industrial purposes, and as the vesicant, itis used to produce the heat-protective material made of rigid plastics, andalso to prepare other blend refrigerants, such as R404A & R407C.Properties: IndexUnit(R134a)Chemical formula CH2FCF3Molecular weightg/mol102.0Boiling point 101.3KPa (℃)℃-26.2Freezing point 101.3KPa (℃)℃-96.6Critical temperature℃101.1Critical pressureKPa4066.6Saturated liquid density (25℃)Kg/m31188.1Specific heat (25℃liquid)KJ/kg.k1.42Critical densityg/cm30.512Vaporization heat at boiling pointKJ/kg215.0Water solubility (25℃)W%0.15ODP 0GWP 0.29 QualitySpecification: IndexExcellent GradeGrade IAppearanceColorless &transparent liquid Purity % ≥99.999.5Moisture % ≤0.0010.005Acidity (as HCl) % ≤0.00010.0001Evaporation residue % ≤0.010.01Chlorides(Cl-) test % ≤0.0003 No condensable gas (V/V) % ≤1.0  Packing:13.6kg, 800kg/L,950kg/926L steel cylinders.PS:HS Code 29033090.90. 性状用途:HFC-134a是目前国际公认的CFC-12 的主要制冷工质之一,HFC-134a不含氯原子,对大气臭氧层不起破坏作用;具有良好的安全性能(不易燃,不爆炸,无毒,无刺激性,无腐蚀性);在常温下为无色气体,在自身压力下为无色透明液体,是R12 的替代品。常用于汽车空调,商业和工业用制冷系统,以及作为发泡剂用于硬塑料保温材料生产,也可以用来配置其他混合制冷剂,如R404a和R407c等。 物理性质 :  单位HFC-134a分子式 CH2 FCF3分子量g/mol102.0沸点 101.3kpa (℃)℃-26.2冰点 101.3kpa (℃)℃-96.6临界温度℃101.1临界压力KPa4066.6饱和液体密度(25℃)Kg/m31188.1比热 (液体25℃)千焦耳/千克度1.42临界密度克/厘米30.512沸点时蒸发潜热千焦耳/千克215.0在水中溶解度 (25℃)W%0.15ODP 0GWP 0.29 质量指标 : 指标名称优等品外观透明,无色液化气体纯度 ( % ≥)99.9水份( % ≤)0.001酸度 ( 以HCl计 ) ,( % ≤)0.0001蒸发残留物 ( % ≤)0.01氯化物(Cl-) ( % ≤)0.0003不凝性气体的体积分数 ( % ≤)1.0  


  R125R125is a colorless gas under ordinary temperature and a colorless & transparentliquid under the pressure of itself, used as refrigerants, the vital partof mixed working substances to substitute R502&R22, and as flame-retardantsto substitute Halon-1211 & Halon-1301.Properties: IndexUnitR125Chemical formula CHF2CF3Molecular weightg/mol120.02Melting point℃-102.95Boiling point℃-48.45Specific gravity (25℃)g/cm31.245Vapor pressure (25℃)MPa1.371Critical temperature℃66.05Critical pressureMPa3.592Critical densityg/cm30.571Vapor heat at boiling pointKJ/kg165Water solubility (25℃)W%0.09Specific heat (25℃liquid)KJ/kg.kwh1.26ODP 0GWP 0.84 QualitySpecification: IndexExcellent GradeAppearanceColorless , not turbidPurity % ≥99.8Moisture % ≤0.001Acidity (as HCl) % ≤0.00001Evaporation residue % ≤0.01Chlorides(Cl-) test % ≤0.0003No condensable gas (V/V) % ≤1.5 Packing:760KG/800L,870KG/926Lsteel cylinders or ISO TANK.PS:HS Code 29034599.00, CAS 354-33-6.  性状用途:在常温下为无色气体,在自身压力下为无色透明液体。HFC-125可作制冷剂,是混合工质的重要组份,用于替代CFC-502和HCFC-22;作灭火剂用于替代Halon-1211和Halon-1301。 物理性质 :  单位HFC-125分子式 CHF2 CF3分子量g/mol120.02熔点℃-102.95沸点℃-48.45液体密度(25℃)克/厘米31.245蒸气压 (25℃)MPa1.371临界温度℃66.05临界压力MPa3.592临界密度克/厘米30.571沸点时蒸发潜热千焦耳/千克165在水中溶解度 (25℃)W%0.09比热 (液体25℃)千焦耳/千克度1.26ODP 0GWP 0.84 质量指标 : 指标名称优等品纯度 ( % ≥)99.8水份( % ≤)0.001酸度 ( 以HCl计 ) ,( % ≤)0.00001蒸发残留物 ( % ≤)0.01氯化物(Cl-) ( % ≤)0.0003不凝性气体的体积分数 ( % ≤)1.5   


  R123R123is a colorless gas under ordinary temperature and a colorless & transparentliquid under the pressure of itself, used as refrigerant, the vital part ofblend working substances to substitute R11 and R113.Properties: IndexUnitR123Chemical formula CF3CH Cl2Molecular weightg/mol152.91Melting point℃ Boiling point℃27.6Specific gravity (25℃)g/cm31.458Vapor pressure (25℃)MPa Critical temperature℃184Critical pressureMPa3.605Critical densityg/cm30.549Vapor heat at boiling pointKJ/kg167.9Water solubility (25℃)W%0.39Specific heat (25℃liquid)KJ/kg.k0.985ODP 0.02GWP 0.02 QualitySpecification: IndexQuality performanceAppearanceColorless , not turbidOdorNo strange stenchPurity % ≤99.8Moisture % ≤0.002Acidity (as HCl) % ≤0.00001Evaporation residue % ≤0.01 Packing:125KG/100L, 250KG/200Lsteel cylinders 性状用途:R123的物理性质与R11相似,是R11的替代品过渡。 物理性质 :  单位HCFC-123分子式 CF3CH Cl2分子量g/mol152.91熔点℃ 沸点℃27.6液体密度(25℃)克/厘米31.458蒸气压 (25℃)KPa 临界温度℃184临界压力MPa3605临界密度克/厘米30.549沸点时蒸发潜热千焦耳/千克167.9在水中溶解度 (25℃)W%0.39比热 (液体25℃)千焦耳/千克度0.985ODP 0.02GWP 0.02 质量指标 : 指标名称优等品外观无色、不浑浊气味无异臭纯度 ( % ≥)99.8水份( % ≤)0.002酸度 ( 以HCl计 ) ,( % ≤)0.00001蒸发残留物 ( % ≤)0.01  


  R123R123is a colorless gas under ordinary temperature and a colorless & transparentliquid under the pressure of itself, used as refrigerant, the vital part ofblend working substances to substitute R11 and R113.Properties: IndexUnitR123Chemical formula CF3CH Cl2Molecular weightg/mol152.91Melting point℃ Boiling point℃27.6Specific gravity (25℃)g/cm31.458Vapor pressure (25℃)MPa Critical temperature℃184Critical pressureMPa3.605Critical densityg/cm30.549Vapor heat at boiling pointKJ/kg167.9Water solubility (25℃)W%0.39Specific heat (25℃liquid)KJ/kg.k0.985ODP 0.02GWP 0.02 QualitySpecification: IndexQuality performanceAppearanceColorless , not turbidOdorNo strange stenchPurity % ≤99.8Moisture % ≤0.002Acidity (as HCl) % ≤0.00001Evaporation residue % ≤0.01 Packing:125KG/100L, 250KG/200Lsteel cylinders 性状用途:R123的物理性质与R11相似,是R11的替代品过渡。 物理性质 :  单位HCFC-123分子式 CF3CH Cl2分子量g/mol152.91熔点℃ 沸点℃27.6液体密度(25℃)克/厘米31.458蒸气压 (25℃)KPa 临界温度℃184临界压力MPa3605临界密度克/厘米30.549沸点时蒸发潜热千焦耳/千克167.9在水中溶解度 (25℃)W%0.39比热 (液体25℃)千焦耳/千克度0.985ODP 0.02GWP 0.02 质量指标 : 指标名称优等品外观无色、不浑浊气味无异臭纯度 ( % ≥)99.8水份( % ≤)0.002酸度 ( 以HCl计 ) ,( % ≤)0.00001蒸发残留物 ( % ≤)0.01  


  R32R32is a colorless gas under ordinary temperature and a colorless & transparentliquid under the pressure of itself. It is mainly used as refrigerant which isthe vital part to substitute R22. R32 is also an important component ofblend refrigerant R407C and R410a. .Properties: IndexUnitR32Chemical formula CH2F2Molecular weightg/mol52.02Freezing point℃-136Boiling point℃-51.7Specific gravity (25℃ liquid)g/cm30.958Vapor pressure (25℃)MPa1.689Critical temperature℃78.10Critical pressureMPa5.808Critical densityg/cm30.424Water solubility (25℃)W%0.44ODP 0GWP 0.11 QualitySpecification: IndexExcellent GradeAppearanceColorless , not turbidOdorNo strange stenchPurity % ≥99.8Moisture % ≤0.001Acidity (as HCl) % ≤0.00001Evaporation residue % ≤0.01Chlorides (Cl-) test % ≤0.0003No condensable gas (V/V) % ≤1.5 Packing: 670KG/800L,780KG/926Lsteel cylinders, orISO TANK.PS:HS Code 29034200.00  性状用途:在常温下为无色气体,在自身压力下为无色透明液体,用作制冷剂,是替代R22的重要组分,是混合制冷剂R407C、R410a的主要组成部分之一。 物理性质 :  单位HFC-32分子式 CH2F2分子量g/mol52.02冰点℃-136沸点℃-51.7液体密度(25℃)克/厘米30.958蒸气压 (25℃)MPa1.689临界温度℃78.10临界压力MPa5.808临界密度克/厘米30.424在水中溶解度 (25℃)W%0.44ODP 0GWP 0.11 质量指标 : 指标名称优等品外观无色、不浑浊气味无异臭纯度 ( % ≥)99.8水份( % ≤)0.001酸度 ( 以HCl计 ) ,( % ≤)0.00001蒸发残留物 ( % ≤)0.01氯化物(Cl-) ( % ≤)0.0003不凝性气体的体积分数 ( % ≤)1.5  


  R23R23is a high pressure liquefied gas, which was usually used as a refrigerant tosubstitute CFC-13. And it is also the ideal substitute for Halon with thequality of cleanness, low toxicity, and the excellent effect to fight fire.Properties: IndexUnitR23Chemical formula CHF3Molecular weightg/mol70.0Melting point℃-152.15Boiling point℃-82.2Specific gravity (25℃ liquid)g/m30.669Vapor pressure (25℃)MPa4.732Critical temperature℃25.95Critical pressureKPa4.832Critical densityg/cm30.524Vapor heat at boiling pointKJ/kg240Water solubility (25℃)W%0.10Specific heat (25℃ liquid)KJ/kg.k1.55ODP 0GWP 6 Specification: IndexQuality performanceAppearanceColorless , not turbidOdorNo strange stenchPurity % ≤99.8Moisture % ≤0.001Acidity (as HCl) % ≤0.00001Evaporation residue % ≤0.01 Packing:30kg/40L&380kg/500L, high pressure steel cylinders.PS:UN NO.1984, HS Code 29034510.00, CAS 75-46-7, IMDG Page 2184, Class 2.2. 性状用途:是一种高压液化汽,可用作制冷剂,替代CFC-13,还可用于灭火剂。具有清洁低毒、灭火效果等特点。  物理性质 :  单位HFC-23化学式 CHF3分子量g/mol70.0熔点℃-152.15沸点℃-82.2液体密度(25℃)克/厘米30.669蒸气压 (25℃)MPa4.732临界温度℃25.95临界压力MPa4.832临界密度克/厘米31.221沸点时蒸发潜热千焦耳/千克0.524在水中溶解度 (25℃)W%240比热 (液体25℃)千焦耳/千克度0.10ODP 1.55GWP 0 质量指标 : 指标名称优等品外观无色、不浑浊气味无异臭纯度 ( % ≥)99.8水份( % ≤)0.001酸度 ( 以HCl计 ) ,( % ≤)0.00001蒸发残留物 ( % ≤)0.01  


  R22R22is a colorless gas under ordinary temperature and a colorless & transparentliquid under the pressure of itself, Vnon-toxic & inflammable with theexcellent thermo-stability and chemical stability, unable to erode metals andit is a  refrigerant for low temperature to ﹣80℃below. Used in reciprocating compressor, as refrigerant in industrial,commercial and household air-condition system; Also used to produce insecticideand aerosol for spraying paint; To produce V extinguishing agent 1211; As thebasic material to produce a wide variety of fluorinated macromolecularcompounds.Properties: IndexUnitR22Chemical formula CHClF2Molecular weightg/mol86.5Freezing point℃-146Boiling point℃-40.8Specific gravity (25℃ liquid)g/m31.194Vapor pressure (25℃)MPa1.04Critical temperature℃96Critical pressureMPa4.98Critical densityg/cm31.221Vapor heat at boiling pointKJ/kg233.5Water solubility (25℃)W%0.30Specific heat (25℃ liquid )KJ/kg.k1.400ODP 0.05GWP 0.03 Specification: AppearanceColorless and clearnessOdorNo strange stenchPurity, % by weight % ≥99.90Moisture, ppm by weight% ≤10Acidity, ppm by weight % ≤1Evaporation residue, ppm by weight % ≤100Chlorides(Cl-) test % ≤0.0003No condensable gas (V/V) % ≤1.5 Packing:13.6kg/22.7kg/950kg netweights  cylinders & ISO tank . 性状用途:在常温下为无色气体,在自身压力下为无色透明液体,无毒不燃,具有良好的热稳定性和化学稳定性,不腐蚀金属。它是一种低温制冷剂,可得到﹣80℃的制冷温度,用于往复式压缩机,作为工业、商业、家庭空调系统的制冷剂;还可用来做杀虫剂和喷漆的气雾喷射剂,也可用于生产灭火剂1211;是生产各种含氟高分子化合物的基本原料。 物理性质 :  单位HCFC-22分子式 CHClF2分子量g/mol86.5熔点℃-146沸点℃-40.8液体密度(25℃)克/厘米31.194蒸气压 (25℃)MPa1.04临界温度℃96临界压力MPa4.98临界密度克/厘米31.221沸点时蒸发潜热千焦耳/千克233.5在水中溶解度 (25℃)W%0.30比热 (液体25℃)千焦耳/千克度1.257ODP 0.05GWP 0.03 质量指标 : 指标名称优等品外观无色、不浑浊气味无异臭纯度 ( % ≥)99.8水份( % ≤)0.001酸度 ( 以HCl计 ) ,( % ≤)0.00001蒸发残留物 ( % ≤)0.01氯化物(Cl-) ( % ≤)0.0003不凝性气体的体积分数 ( % ≤)1.5